January 28, 2019
Legistar Data shows residents near Edgewood oppose stadium 3 to 1
For Immediate Release
Date: 1/28/2019
Press Contact: Catherine Jagoe
Phone: 608-620-5850
Email: nonewstadiuminfo@gmail.com
MADISON, WI. (January 24, 2019) -- Analysis of emails sent to the City of Madison between September 6, 2018 and January 8, 2019 show that neighborhoods surrounding Edgewood High School oppose the construction of a new stadium on the Edgewood campus 3 to 1. The Plan Department posted the emails online on the City of Madison Legislative Information Center, File #53954.
Citizens’ names, locations (nearby vs. no address/outside Madison/out of state) and whether they were for or against the stadium were tracked, as were duplicate emails from the same individuals.
Residents of the three neighborhoods (Dudgeon-Monroe, Vilas, and Regent) closest to Edgewood’s campus oppose the stadium 3 to 1. The most common reason cited for opposition to the stadium was incompatible land use. 158 people signed an initial letter of opposition to the Plan Commission on October 31, 2018. The Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association voted 18-to-1 in firm opposition.
Those who expressed support for the stadium claimed that Edgewood as an institution contributes greatly to the community and should be able to offer this to their students. Numerous emails stated that EHS students “deserve” and have “earned the right” to a stadium. According to publicly available emails, Edgewood High School asked their entire past and present school community to write the Alder and City of Madison Plan Commission in support of the stadium.
The breakdown of the analysis appears below.
*No Address Provided or None of the Above
About No New Stadium
No New Stadium is a grassroots organization of neighbors who oppose Edgewood High School’s proposal to build an outdoor stadium with lights and amplified sound on its Monroe Street campus. The group was formed in October 2018. Learn more at nonewstadium.org.