Updated 5/25/2020
If the neighbors don’t like it, why did they move next to a school?
Having a practice field, not a stadium, was codified in two Master Plan agreements with the neighborhood community since 1996. See Edgewood Campus Master Plan, page 48.
Edgewood only wants to be treated fairly, like other schools.
Memorial’s stadium was built in a commercial district BEFORE the adjacent apartment buildings. LaFollette’s stadium is NINE TIMES further away from the nearest residences than Edgewood’s field. The two other MMSD high schools—including West High located in the same neighborhood as Edgewood—don’t have stadiums.
Much ado about nothing— it’s just a few football games.
Camp Randall (a mile away on Monroe Street) hosted 7 day games in 2019.
For comparison, EDGEWOOD HOSTED 77 GAMES. Edgewood wants unlimited night games too.
These are state-of-the arts lights, what’s the problem?
According to Edgewood’s own reference “Significant Glare, equivalent to high beams headlights of a car” will extend well beyond the campus property. See page 10. Harmful high-intensity LED lighting and accompanying light spill and sky glow are problematic for human and animal populations.
Lots of neighbors are in favor of the stadium .
Not those that live within 3000' of it. Notarized protest petitions of property owners and registered voters living within 100' of the property garnered 96 signatures and a survey completed in 2018 showed overwhelming opposition to Edgewood High School’s proposal. Only 13% of the 300 households were in favor. A second survey was not possible because Edgewood submitted its application at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic shutdown.
Edgewood says that its request for lights and night games will not substantially adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods.
The Plan Commission after a lengthy hearing denied Edgewood’s request for a conditional use permit (see Action Details). Specifically, the Plan Commission found their conditional use request did not meet standard #3, "The uses, values and enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood for purposes already established will not be substantially impaired or diminished in any foreseeable manner.”
The neighbors say no to EVERYTHING.
The community said yes to 16 other Edgewood projects. This is the first time they've said no. The community has told Edgewood ‘no’ to a stadium for over 20 years. The high school has not listened.
The neighborhood is so unappreciative. Doesn’t Edgewood host the Monroe Street Farmer’s Market to the neighborhood for free?
Nope. The Monroe Street Farmers Market RENTS the parking lot from Edgewood High School. It is a business transaction. A letter in legistar (page 11) states that in March of 2020, EHS sent the board notice that they were going to start charging $20,000 a year to host the market in their lot. A lower fee was subsequently negotiated.
What about the talks that are going on right now between Edgewood and the neighborhood?
What can I do?
Write to your alder, the Mayor and the Common Council and ask them to vote no on Edgewood’s lighting application (#60646 Appeal of Plan Commission action on Conditional Use request for 2219 Monroe Street)
Find your alder here.
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway mayor@cityofmadison.com
Common Council allalders@cityofmadison.com