March 3, 2020
Edgewood neighbors oppose F-35 as well
Marie Trest | Wisconsin State Journal
In response to the Feb. 21 letter to the editor “Edgewood enemies could aid F-35 fight,” those of us opposed to the Edgewood stadium are not enemies. We are neighbors, Edgewood alumni and parents, volunteers and lovers of Lake Wingra.
While many assume Edgewood just wants five night games a year, over 75 games were played in 2019. Far more than a few football games, these included outside users such as UW club lacrosse, which generates disruptive noise levels for surrounding neighbors and the Lake Wingra environment. Independent sound studies have demonstrated that even a small crowd at the stadium could generate sound levels on neighboring properties that could exceed the city’s noise ordinance.
This is why the group No New Stadium and most community members who are opposed to a stadium in close proximity to neighboring homes also oppose basing F-35 fighter jets in Madison. Individuals have supported North and East side neighborhoods with environmental impact statement comments and petitions, financial contributions, and expertise in analyzing noise estimates. We understand the harmful impacts of noise on quality of life and stand in solidarity with our North and East side neighbors.
Please stand in solidarity with all of us — wherever in Madison you reside — for healthy and livable neighborhoods.